Terrarium Plants

3”, 4” ferns and houseplants

Photos are an example of what we stock. Prices are approximate and subject to change.


3” golden pothos

$3 & up


3” pearls and jade pothos

$3 & up


3” English ivy

$3 & up


3” English ivy, variegated

$3 & up


3” heart-leaf philodendron

$3 & up


3” philodendron micans

$3 & up


4” peperomia ‘ecuador’

$3 & up


3” peperomia clusiifolia, red and white, variegated

$3 & up


3” peperomia puteolata

$3 & up


3” dracaena marginata

$3 & up


3” lucky sanderiana variegated

$3 & up


4” dracaena warneckii

$3 & up


4” dieffenbachia maculata ‘camille’

$3 & up


3” croton

$3 & up


3” schefflera arboricola

$3 & up


3” schefflera arboricola variegata

$3 & up


4” nepthytis/arrowhead

$3 & up


4” spathiphyllum/peace lily

$3 & up


4” ctenanthe burle marxii

$3 & up


3” strawberry begonia/saxifraga stolonifera

$3 & up


4” maidenhair fern

$8 & up


3” staghorn fern

$8 & up


4” calathea makoyana

$5 & up


hoya carnosa ‘crimson queen’

3” - $3 & up

4” - $5 & up


3” peperomia caperata

$3 & up


3” arrowhead plant

$3 & up


3” dracaena ‘Florida beauty’

$3 & up


4” scindapsus ‘silver anne’

$5 & up


4” philodendron ‘hope’

$10 & up


3” red maranta/prayer plant

$3 & up


3” green maranta/prayer plant

$3 & up


3” piles peperomioides/Chinese money plant

$3 & up


4” raphidophora tetrasperma/’mini monstera’

$10 & up


4” braided money tree



4” calathea vittata



4” calathea ornata



4” calathea ‘rattlesnake’



rubber tree/ficus elastica ‘burgundy’

3” - $3 & up

4” - $5 & up


rubber tree/ficus elastica ‘ruby’

3” - $3 & up

4” - $5 & up


3” fittonia/nerve plant

$3 & up



$3 & up


3” peperomia incana/felted pepperface

$3 & up


3” peperomia ‘raindrop’

$3 & up


4” African violet



4” blooming kalanchoe
